Thursday, June 5, 2008

Show and Tell-June 4, 2008

Well, it was another fabulous meeting and show and tell. Here are the highlights:
(As always, left click on the images to see larger)

Pam's Angel Quilt

Pat's Icon Pin

Peggy's Goddess

Peggy's Goddess (the other side)

Sue's Leaf Purse

Sue's Face Purse

Gail's Fish Lady

Lauren's Fabric Book

Linda Grey's Beaded Mask

Linda Scharz' Zip It Quilt

Liz' Metal Nametag

Celia's Fabric Doll

Celia's Purse

Diane's Rags to Riches Dolls

Elana's Egyptian Dude

Bette's Masks

Cass' Scrub Oak Sam

Catie's Photoshop Flowers With Faces